2017.05.19 10:59

AMD Radeon Vega 確定在 Computex 2017 亮相


相較 Radeon Vega Frontier Edition,大家更想見到 Radeon Vega。遊戲市場可能對 Vega 架構顯示卡相當期待,但這款產品到底何時登場,已經成了一個謎。雖然 AMD Radeon Vega 與 Radeon Vega Frontier Edition 同屬於 Vega 架構 GPU,但實質上兩者面向不同層面的應用。

以 Radeon Vega 而言,它屬於遊戲用顯示卡,在顯示卡的 BIOS 與 PCB 線路設計(或許有,也或許沒有)部分就會與針對專業應用的 Radeon Vega Frontier Edition 有些許不同。

16GB HBM2 記憶體的 Radeon Vega Frontier Edition 公佈後,引起了一些聲浪,這主要是何以遊戲卡仍未登場所致。


We’ll be showing Radeon RX Vega off at Computex, but it won’t be on store shelves that week. We know how eager you are to get your hands on Radeon RX Vega, and we’re working extremely hard to bring you a graphics card that you’ll be incredibly proud to own. Developing products with billions of transistors and forward-thinking architecture is extremely difficult — but extremely rewarding — work. And some of Vega’s features, like our High Bandwidth Cache Controller, HBM2, Rapid-Packed Math, or the new geometry pipeline, have the potential to really break new ground and fundamentally improve game development. These aren’t things that can be mastered overnight. It takes time for developers to adapt and adopt new techniques that make your gaming experience better than ever. We believe those experiences are worth waiting for and shouldn’t be rushed out the door. We’re working as hard as we can to bring you Radeon RX Vega.

On HBM2, we’re effectively putting a technology that’s been limited to super expensive, out-of-reach GPUs into a consumer product. Right now only insanely priced graphics cards from our competitors that aren’t within reach of any gamer or consumer make use of it. We want to bring all of that goodness to you. And that’s not easy! It’s not like you can run down to the corner store to get HBM2. The good news is that unlike HBM1, HBM2 is offered from multiple memory vendors – including Samsung and Hynix – and production is ramping to meet the level of demand that we believe Radeon Vega products will see in the market.

不需擔心太多,因為 AMD 確定會在 Computex 2017 公佈 Vega 架構與 HBM2 記憶體的 Radeon Vega 顯示卡;Radeon Vega Frontier Edition 規格如下:

– 64 Compute Units
– ~ 13 TFLOPS Single precision compute performance(FP32)
– ~ 25 TFLOPS Half precision compute performance(FP16)
– ~ 90 Gpixels/s Pixel Fillrate
– ~ 480 GB/s Memory bandwidth

就我們知道的,目前 Vega 架構 GPU 確實擁有 3 顆晶片,而它們分別是 C0(XTX)、C1(XT)以及 C3(XL),但確切的 Codename 目前並未掌握,但可以確定的是,Radeon Vega 初期將只會提供公版樣式。

至於想知道更多硬體規格、售價與上市資訊,現階段只有等待 AMD 在 Computex 2017 的全球記者會,也就是 2017 年 5 月 31 日早上 10 點。


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