Humble Bundle推出Türkiye-Syria Earthquake Relief Bundle遊戲慈善義賣組合包,只需美金30元就能購買70款遊戲,所得款項將全數捐贈至土耳其與敘利亞的地震救助。
Türkiye-Syria Earthquake Relief Bundle組合包購買網頁
線上遊戲銷路平台Humble Bundle表示,由於日前土耳其和敘利亞的地震造成了緊迫的人道危機,有數十萬人急需醫療用品與各項物資,於是與遊戲製造商、圖書出版社聯手推出慈善義賣組合包,並將所得款項全數捐贈至地震救援工作。
消費者只要在Humble Bundle的Türkiye-Syria Earthquake Relief Bundle組合包支付美金30元以上的款項,就能獲得共70款、總價值高達美金988.66元的數位版遊戲與書籍,購買期限至台灣時間2023年3月9日清晨,
Türkiye-Syria Earthquake Relief Bundle組合包的購買期限至台灣時間2023年3月9日清晨,有興趣的讀者不妨現在就立刻結帳。
Türkiye-Syria Earthquake Relief Bundle遊戲慈善義賣組合包內容一覽
- 112 Operator
- 911 Operator
- Agent in Depth
- Alchemist's Castle
- Arcade Spirits
- Armello
- Backbone
- Calico
- Cats and the Other Lives
- Cosmic Express
- Cris Tales
- Death Squared
- Detached: Non-VR Edition
- Doughlings: Arcade
- Doughlings: Invasion
- Euro Truck Simulator 2
- Farming Simulator 17
- Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue DX
- Flynn: Son of Crimson
- Frick, Inc
- Gotham Knights
- Guilty Gear X2 #Reload
- Guns & Fishes
- Hack 'n' Slash
- Harmony's Odyssey
- Hyper Gunsport
- Into the Pit
- Izmir: An Independence Simulator
- Lighthouse Keeper
- Little Orpheus
- Lust from Beyond - M Edition
- Meow Express
- MirrorMoon EP
- Monaco
- Non-Stop Raiders
- Orbital Racer
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Enhanced Plus Edition
- PayDay 2
- Pilgrims
- Pill Baby
- Pixross
- Planet TD
- Project Chemistry
- Quadrata
- Remnants of Naezith
- Rym 9000
- Saga Vols 1 - 10
- Soul Searching
- Soulblight
- Soulflow
- Space Crew: Legendary Edition
- Stacking
- Starfinder Core Rulebook
- Starfinder: Junker's Delight
- Stick Fight
- stikir
- Strange Brigade
- Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones
- Sunlight
- Symmetry
- System Shock 2
- System Shock Enhanced Edition
- The Amazing American Circus
- The Inner World
- Ticket to Ride
- Worms Rumble
- X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack
- XCOM 2
- Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition