Youtuber自己做出「模組化掌機」,手把控制如Switch、採用Core i7-1260P 核心還加上512 GB SSD

Youtuber自己做出「模組化掌機」,手把控制如Switch、採用Core i7-1260P 核心還加上512 GB SSD

由 Framework 推出的模組化筆記型電腦,因為其個人化及易升級的特性引起了市場的興趣。一位 網友 Pitstoptech 延伸了這個想法,利用模組化零件打造了一台掌上型遊戲機,並帶來一些創新。

對於那些不了解「模組化」的人,「模組化」意味著讓消費者能輕易的自行升級/更換組件,以Framework 模組化筆電為例,消費者可以自行更換像是記憶體、電池、硬碟這些內部零件。同時還可以讓使用者自行定製和升級「機殼外」的零件,舉例來說,如果我用不到 USB-A,那我可以輕易地將它替換成 Type-C,甚至連鍵盤、螢幕都可以進行更換。最重要的是,使用者甚至不需要具備硬體相關知識,只需要像積木那樣安裝、拆除,便能快速地進行升級。

Youtuber自己做出「模組化掌機」,手把控制如Switch、採用Core i7-1260P 核心還加上512 GB SSD

有鑑於過去 Intel 和 Motorola 嘗試推出模組化商品均以失敗告終,「模組化」這一概念的前景還有待觀察,但考慮到掌上型遊戲機的特性,「模組化」有可能會成為該領域未來的趨勢。

Pitstoptech 開發了一款採用 Intel  Core i7 1260p 處理器的掌機,外觀為帶有厚邊框的「過時」設計,但目前還處於測試階段。Core i7-1260P Alder Lake 具有 12 個核心 (4+8),時脈最高達 4.70 GHz,並具有 18 MB 快取,基本 TDP 為 28 W。

這款模組化掌機有著如同 Switch 的 Joy-Con 那樣可拆卸的手把。手把採用透明設計,靈感可能來於自去年很有話題度的「Nothing Phone」或是 Game Boy Advance。這款掌機配備了 7 英寸 1080p 觸控螢幕,並且可以使用專用的 USB-C 連接外部顯示器。

Youtuber自己做出「模組化掌機」,手把控制如Switch、採用Core i7-1260P 核心還加上512 GB SSD

根據影片中展示的《四海兄弟:決定版》等遊戲的實際遊玩畫面,該掌機整體效能似乎不錯。記憶體和硬碟分別為 16 GB RAM 和 512 GB SSD。同時還配備了不錯的 55Wh 電池和前置的雙聲道揚聲器,雖然目前還沒有該掌機的詳細規格消息,但以上種種表明了這台模組化掌機的開發並不只是鬧著玩而已。

Youtuber自己做出「模組化掌機」,手把控制如Switch、採用Core i7-1260P 核心還加上512 GB SSD

考慮到這是一個獨立開發的產品,即使目前外型看起來有點奇怪,但是產品本身的概念依然讓人印象深刻。Pitstoptech 尚未公布該產品的可升級性,但在影片中可以看到掌機在設計上具有特定的插槽,看起來作者預計提供許多自訂化零件。

模組化電子產品在行業中具有相當巨大的潛力,我們在 Framework 的筆記型電腦中已經看到了一點影子。模組化掌機的概念存在一些疑慮,例如耐用性和可行性,但是這位網友提出的概念和想法仍然相當有趣。




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69.  MiaMia (發表於 2024年3月20日 10:44)
In a real-time strategy game, each participant positions structures and maneuvers multiple units under their indirect control to secure areas of the map and/or destroy their opponents’ assets. In a typical RTS game, it is possible to create additional units and structures, generally limited by a requirement to expend accumulated resources. These resources are in turn garnered by controlling special points on the map and/or possessing certain types of units and structures devoted to this purpose. More specifically, the typical game in the RTS genre features resource-gathering, base-building, in-game technological development, and indirect control of units. /source:BCR娛樂城
70.  MiaMia (發表於 2024年3月20日 10:44)
The dark web, a clandestine realm of the internet, harbors various illicit activities, including online gambling. This blog delves into the shadowy intersections of the dark web and gambling, shedding light on the risks, challenges, and intriguing aspects of this hidden world. /source:OC娛樂城
71.  MiaMia (發表於 2024年3月20日 10:45)
Bandy, ». a game, like that of Golf, in which the ad- verse parties endeavour to beat a ball (generally a knob or gnarl from the trunk of a tree,) opposite ways…the stick with which the game is played is crook’d at the end.

By the 19th century, the various forms and divisions of historic games began to differentiate and coalesce into the individual sports defined today. Organizations dedicated to the codification of rules and regulations began to form, and national and international bodies sprang up to manage domestic and international competition. /source:太陽城娛樂城
72.  MiaMia (發表於 2024年3月20日 10:46)
DeepStack bridges the gap between AI techniques for games of perfect information—like checkers, chess and Go—with ones for imperfect information games–like poker–to reason while it plays using “intuition” honed through deep learning to reassess its strategy with each decision.

With a study completed in December 2016 and published in Science in March 2017, DeepStack became the first AI capable of beating professional poker players at heads-up no-limit Texas hold’em poker./source:必勝客娛樂城
73.  MiaMia (發表於 2024年3月20日 10:46)
Blackjack is one of the most popular games available in both online and land-based casinos. Movies such as ’21’ have had a lasting impact on people worldwide and have encouraged them to try their hand at Blackjack. Despite this popularity, not many people know about the Blackjack 5-Card Charlie rule. /source:JY娛樂城
74.  MiaMia (發表於 2024年3月20日 10:46)
Once you’ve set up the table to your linking, the Blackjack Chart will update itself to show the optimum blackjack strategy to play. To view the chart, click the Help button. This will overlay the chart and show you the correct move for your last play. /source:拼多多娛樂城
75.  MiaMia (發表於 2024年3月20日 10:47)
Sixteen-year-old Los Alamos Highschool all-star athlete and student Jaiya Daniels, is a six-time gold medalist, 4A state champion, Gatorade’s track & field player of the year, Nike Nationals competitor and an award-winning film producer.
Daniels denotes excellence while maintaining a 3.9 GPA in school, as she continues, to aim for success on-and-off the track field. /source:TZ娛樂城
76.  MiaMia (發表於 2024年3月20日 10:49)
It is the age of online gambling. Long gone are those days of frequenting traditional casinos to play your favourite casino games. Similar is the case with physical high-street betting chances to place wagers on sports.
Online casinos are on the rise. Irrespective of where you are, there are sites and online sportsbooks ready to service you. What makes it possible is the large array of online casino banking methods available for target customers to use. /source:AU8娛樂城
77.  MiaMia (發表於 2024年3月20日 10:50)
One person is the banker, and everyone else places a bet first, called the player. Both the banker and the player can take five cards, which must be divided into three “group cards” and two “point cards”. /source:逸萬門娛樂城
78.  MiaMia (發表於 2024年3月20日 10:50)
All mooers can play the game once for free and receive three hooks. Rewards will be given to those who have caught at least three fish in total, which will be calculated after all hooks are used up. Once there are no more hooks, completing a task will give you a chance for a new round where you will receive three new hooks again.
Tasks may include browsing Maps on Fund Investing for 15 seconds, activating SmartSave, subscribing to a fund other than moomoo Cash Plus, making a deposit, creating a regular savings plan, inviting a friend to play the game, etc. For more details, please refer to the task list within the game. /source:贏家娛樂城
79.  MiaMia (發表於 2024年3月20日 10:51)
Peter O’Connor, an Irish track-and-field athlete, competes for Great Britain in the Athens games and wins a gold medal in the triple jump. To protest being considered a British competitor, he climbs up the Olympic flagpole with an Irish flag. The games are officially called the 1906 Intercalated Games because they are held on a different schedule than the one set by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). /source:KG娛樂城
80.  MiaMia (發表於 2024年3月20日 10:51)
For games using the internet, see online game. For the magazine, see Electronic Games.
An LCD screen Yahtzee game
An electronic game is a game that uses electronics to create an interactive system with which a player can play. Video games are the most common form today, and for this reason the two terms are often used interchangeably. There are other common forms of electronic game including handheld electronic games, standalone systems (e.g. pinball, slot machines, or electro-mechanical arcade games), and exclusively non-visual products (e.g. audio games). /source:KG娛樂城