體驗解除Google束縛的Chrome瀏覽器,試試 Ungoogled Chromium 瀏覽器

體驗解除Google束縛的Chrome瀏覽器,試試 Ungoogled Chromium 瀏覽器




體驗解除Google束縛的Chrome瀏覽器,試試 Ungoogled Chromium 瀏覽器

「Ungoogled Chromium」這個瀏覽器就是基於這樣的議題下誕生的,他移除了所有Google相關的功能。改用了使用號稱最注重保護使用者隱私權的「 DuckDuckGo 」搜尋引擎來取代原本的Google Search。

體驗解除Google束縛的Chrome瀏覽器,試試 Ungoogled Chromium 瀏覽器



你可以在github上下載「Ungoogled Chromium」,「Ungoogled Chromium」是從2016年開始開發的,除了移除與Youtube綁定的各項服務之外,它的開發宗旨在於承諾不監控、不記錄使用者的搜尋內容。除此之外,它的介面與Chrome則是一模一樣。對於熟悉Chrome瀏覽器的使用者來說,使用它來上網會是一種似曾相識卻又陌生的新體驗。 



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4.  luciferdonghua (發表於 2024年8月03日 01:21)
To use the patched version of Delta Executor on your PC, first download and install the BlueStacks Android Emulator. Once BlueStacks is set up, download the Delta Executor APK file and install it within the emulator. Finally, use a suitable APK editor to rewrite the APK and add the required line of code to complete the setup.https://luciferdonghua.one/
5.  luciferdonghua (發表於 2024年8月03日 01:23)
To use the patched version of Delta Executor on your PC, first download and install the BlueStacks Android Emulator. Once BlueStacks is set up, download the Delta Executor APK file and install it within the emulator. Finally, use a suitable APK editor to rewrite the APK and add the required line of code to complete the setup.
6.  luciferdonghua (發表於 2024年8月03日 01:24)
※ 引述《luciferdonghua》的留言:
> To use the patched version of Delta Executor on your PC, first download and install the BlueStacks Android Emulator. Once BlueStacks is set up, download the Delta Executor APK file and install it within the emulator. Finally, use a suitable APK editor to rewrite the APK and add the required line of code to complete the setup.

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