即便幾個月前大家就從 Windows 8流出的截圖中發現 App Store 的存在,不過當時微軟相當嘴硬什麼也不肯透露;最近微軟推出 Building Windows 8 官方部落格,Windows 總裁 Steven Sinofsky 在文章介紹中提到 App Store 團隊,間接承認有App Store 的存在。
▲微軟官方於今年5月首度介紹Windows 8時,Metro UI介面出現了大大的Store字樣。
▲網路上曾出現過可能是Windows 8的App Store截圖,後來證實為假圖。
Steven Sinofsky還提到Windows 8打破以往的開發模式(當時有人認為Windows 7團隊太過龐大),採用相對獨立的小組團隊進行,這次共分為35個開發團隊,每個團隊有25~40位開發者。這些開發團隊被分類在7大類別中:fundamentals、devices and networking、core OS、developer experience、user experience、web services、engineering system,類似於Windows Live群組的模式(有Hotmail, Messenger, Skydrive, Photos, LiveID等);IE團隊則是另外一個獨立的團隊,不過也和Windows 8團隊有密切配合。
Windows 8的35個開發團隊:
- App Compatibility and Device Compatibility
- App Store
- Applications and Media Experience
- App Experience
- Core Experience Evolved
- Device Connectivity
- Devices & Networking Experience
- Ecosystem Fundamentals
- Engineer Desktop
- Engineering System
- Enterprise Networking
- Global Experience
- Graphics Platform
- Hardware Developer Experience
- Human Interaction Platform
- Hyper-V
- In Control of Your PC
- Kernel Platform
- Licensing and Deployment
- Media Platform
- Networking Core
- Performance
- Presentation and Composition
- Reliability, Security, and Privacy
- Runtime Experience
- Search, View, and Command
- Security & Identity
- Storage & Files Systems
- Sustained Engineering
- Telemetry
- User-Centered Experience
- Windows Online
- Windows Update
- Wireless and Networking services
資料來源:Building Windows 8
微軟正式公佈Windows 8,Metro UI介面、ARM版本入列!
了╯-__-)╯ ╩╩
總之,Win8 的 App Store 絕對不是長這樣就對了